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Creation Static Website using Astro

Shall we easily and conveniently create a static website using Astro?

astro typescript static website tailwind


Jan 21, 2024

3 min read


Why Astro?

Astro is a new concept framework that helps generate static sites, taking the advantages of traditional SSR (Server Side Rendering) and CSR (Client Side Rendering) while compensating for their disadvantages. Astro generates static HTML at build time and dynamically renders the built HTML in the browser.

This allows you to achieve fast loading speeds and SEO optimization at the same time. In other words, it’s good to use Astro when creating sites with static content like blogs or portfolios.

Astro Island allows you to use familiar frameworks like Vue or React. We create interactive components using familiar frameworks through Astro Island.

However, since the ultimate goal of Astro is to create static websites, using Vue or React can sometimes be inefficient I guess.

Let’s install Astro.

Astro can be easily installed and run through various package managers such as npm, yarn, etc. However, since I quite like Bun, I will proceed with the installation and execution through Bun.

// initialize Astro project
bunx create-astro@latest your-project-name

// add libraries and modules
bun add {library-name}
bun add -D {module-name}

// install dependencies
bun install

// run Astro project
bun dev

Astro project structure

When you create an Astro project, basic structure created and looks like this.

├── public/
   └── favicon.svg
├── src/
   ├── components/
   └── Card.astro
   ├── layouts/
   └── Layout.astro
   └── pages/
       └── index.astro
└── package.json

/public folder contains static asset files. (For example, favicon.svg, browserconfig.xml, robots.txt, site.webmanifest, logo and favicon images, etc.)

/src folder contains core files of Astro project. This folder includes following subfolders:

  • /components: folder for reusable components.
  • /layouts: folder for common layouts of pages.
  • /pages: folder for pages themselves.

In addition to basic folders mentioned above, you can also add and use following folders according to your preferences:

  • /content: folder for markdown contents created with MD or MDX.
  • /utils: folder for utility functions.
  • /styles: folder for global styles.

Furthermore, Astro project settings are configured in following file:

  • astro.config.mjs: configuration file for Astro project.

How to Write .astro Files

let’s learn how to markup using Astro. Basically, .astro files separate the script area and the markup area with --- symbols like this.

And you can assign variable names or components within {} to express them.

import Header from '@components/Header.astro'

const headerTitle = 'This is Title!'
const something = 'something'

const displayPrice = (name: string) => {
  switch (name) {
    case 'apple':
      return 1000
    case 'banana':
      return 2000

<div class="display-dom">
  <Header title={headerTitle} />

.display-dom {
  color: red;

Also, Astro support pass data to sub-components like this.

// ./src/pages/index.astro

import Card from '@components/Card.astro'

const dewdew = {
  name: 'dewdew',
  age: '3X',
  job: 'FE developer'

const motorcycle = 'harley davidson'


// .src/components/Card.astro

interface Props {
  dewdewObj: {
    name: string
    age: string
    job: string
  motor: string

const {
} = Astro.props


Let’s build the project now!

We’ve just taken a look at very basic Astro project. Since content is quite basic, for more detailed information, you can refer to Astro official docs. (Still, I will try to cover various good features and contents for you!!)

See you next!


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